

词汇 penetrate
penetrate | BrE ˈpɛnɪtreɪt, AmE ˈpɛnəˌtreɪt | A. transitive verb (enter, force a way through) 进入 jìnrù terrain, defence (pierce) 穿透 chuāntòu the needle penetrated her skin 针刺进了她的皮肤 the bullet penetrated the skull 子弹打穿了头骨 (seep through) «liquid» 渗入 shènrù material figurative (permeate) 渗透 shèntòu cold horror penetrated his whole being 他吓得浑身发冷 a scream penetrated the silence 一声尖叫划破了寂静 (illuminate sth opaque) 透过 tòuguo ; (see through sth opaque) 看透 kàntòu the headlamps penetrated the fog 车前灯的光射进雾中 my eyes could not penetrate the darkness 我在黑暗中什么也看不见 (understand) 洞察 dòngchá to penetrate a mystery 揭示奥秘 figurative (get through to) 被…理解 bèi… lǐjiě nothing you say will penetrate his thick skull 无论你说什么他那木脑袋都听不进去 (discover, see through) 识破 shípò disguise (infiltrate) «spy» 打入…的内部 dǎrù… de nèibù organization (sexually) 以阴茎插入 yǐ yīnjīng chārù Business 打入 dǎrù market; 打入…的市场 dǎrù… de shìchǎng countryB. intransitive verb (enter) «person, traveller, army» 进入 jìnrù (pierce) «needle, bullet, claws» 穿透 chuāntòu to penetrate through sth; 穿透某物 (seep into) 渗透 shèntòu (be understood) 被理解 bèi lǐjiě I kept telling him, but it just didn't penetrate 我不断地给他讲,但他就是听不进去 (be perceived) 被听见 bèi tīngjiàn the noise did not penetrate into my secluded retreat 在我的隐居处没有听见那声音




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