

词汇 rain
rain | BrE reɪn, AmE reɪn | A. noun uncountable Meteorology there will be rain tomorrow 明日有雨 rain is forecast for the weekend 预报说周末有雨 a drop of rain 一滴雨 the rain was coming down in huge drops 雨大滴大滴地落下来 the rain is pouring down, it’s pouring with rain 大雨倾盆 don’t go out in the rain 不要冒雨出去 (a) light/heavy rain 小雨/大雨 steady/driving or pouring or torrential rain 淫雨/倾盆大雨 it looks like rain 好像要下雨了 to shelter from the rain 避雨 to come in out of the rain 躲进室内避雨 (come) rain or shine 无论晴雨 to be (as) right as rain informal «person» 非常健康 «object» 毫无问题 háo wú wèntí rain cloud 雨云 countable figurative (large number) a rain of sth; 雨点般的 yǔdiǎn bān de arrows, bullets, blowsB. rains plural noun the rains 雨季 yǔjì C. impersonal verb 下雨 xiàyǔ it's raining 下雨了 it rained all day/all summer 整天/整个夏天都在下雨 to rain heavily or hard 下大雨 it never rains but it pours British, when it rains it pours US 祸不单行 D. intransitive verb (fall) 雨点般落下 yǔdiǎn bān luòxia to rain on sb/sth; 雨点般地落在某人身上/某物上 confetti rained on their heads 五彩纸屑纷纷扬扬掉落在他们头上 a flurry of blows rained on him 一阵拳头劈头盖脸地打在他身上 (be uttered) 连珠炮似地发出 liánzhūpào shìde fāchū to rain on sb; 接连向某人说出 more insults/abuse/questions rained on him 更多的侮辱/辱骂/问题连珠炮似地向他袭来 E. transitive verb (cause to fall) 使大量降落 shǐ dàliàng jiàngluò to rain arrows into the path of sb 雨点般地向某人通行的道路射箭 to rain sth on sb/sth; 使某物雨点般地落在某人身上/某物上 he rained blows on the woman 他连续不断用拳头打那个女人 (utter) 连珠炮似地说出 liánzhūpào shìde shuōchū to rain compliments/questions on sb 一个劲儿地恭维某人/连珠炮似地向某人发问 he rained abuse on her head 他对她劈头盖脸一顿辱骂 PHRASAL VERBS rain down A. intransitive verb (fall in large quantities) 雨点般落下 yǔdiǎn bān luòxia bombs rained down 炸弹雨点般地落下 to rain down on sb/sth; 倾泻在某人身上/某物上 the blows rained down on him 拳头如雨点般落在他身上 (be uttered) 连珠炮似地发出 liánzhūpào shìde fāchū the plaudits rained down 人们纷纷表示赞赏 to rain down on sb; 连珠炮似地向某人说出 abuse/accusations/questions rained down continually on him 辱骂/谴责/问题连珠炮似地向他袭来 B. transitive verb [rain down sth, rain sth down] (cause to fall) 使大量降落 shǐ dàliàng jiàngluò to rain sth down on sb/sth; 使某事物雨点般地落在某人身上/某物上 the cherry tree rained white blossom down on him 樱桃树上的白花纷纷掉落在他身上 (utter) 连珠炮似地说出 liánzhūpào shìde shuōchū to rain sth down on sb; 连珠炮似地向某人说出某物 he rained down curses on them 他不停地咒骂他们 rain off transitive verb [rain off sth, rain sth off] British 因雨取消 yīn yǔ qǔxiāo to be rained off; 因雨取消 yīn yǔ qǔxiāo rain out transitive verb US = rain off




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