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词汇 raise
raise | BrE reɪz, AmE reɪz | A. transitive verb (move upwards) 举起 jǔqǐ stick, weight; 抬起 táiqǐ head, leg; 拉起 lāqǐ blind, window, trapdoor, lid; 升起 shēngqǐ flag; 提升 tíshēng level, ceilingto raise a or one's hand 举手 to raise a or one's hand/fist to sb 对某人扬起手/挥拳头 to raise sth to sth; 将某事物升高到某事物 he raised the glass to his lips 他将杯子举到唇边 to raise a or one's glass (to sb/sth) (为某人/某事物)举杯庆贺 to raise sth from sth; 从某处抬起某物 the throne was on a podium, slightly raised from floor level 御座位于比地面稍高的平台上 to raise sth up; 举起某物 to raise one's hat (to sb) (向某人)挥帽致意 to raise the curtain Theatre 启幕 to raise sth above or over one's head 将某物举过头顶 to raise an eyebrow (at sb/sth) literal figurative (对某人/某事物)扬起眉毛 [表示不赞成或吃惊] (place upright) 竖起 shùqǐ mast, flagpole; 扶起 fúqǐ person, animalto raise sb/sth from sth; 从某处扶起某人/竖起某物 we managed to raise her to her feet 我们设法扶她站了起来 to raise sb/sth up; 扶起某人/某物 (increase) 提高 tígāo level, rate, limitto raise sb's awareness or consciousness of sth 提高某人对某事物的意识 to raise the bidding (in gambling) 增加赌注 to raise sth to sth; 将某事物提高到某水平 he raised his bid to £240 (at auction) 他将出价加到240英镑 to raise sth from sth; 从某处提高某物 to raise the speed limit from 70 mph to 80 mph 将限速从每小时70英里提高到每小时80英里 to raise one's voice (at sb) (冲某人)提高嗓门嚷嚷 to raise one's voice against sth figurative 强烈反对某事物 to raise sb's expectations 唤起某人的期望 (bring to surface) 打捞 dǎlāo treasureto raise a ship from the sea floor; 从海底打捞起船只 (promote) 提拔 tíba to raise sb to the rank of captain; 晋升某人为上尉 to raise sb to the title of … 提拔某人授予其…的称号 (resurrect) 使复活 shǐ fùhuó to raise sb from the dead; 使某人起死回生 (cause to appear) 使…出现 shǐ… chūxiàn suspicion, fears, difficulty; 唤起 huànqǐ memories, spirit; 扬起 yángqǐ dusther words raised the shadow of a doubt in his mind 她的话让他起了一丝疑心 to raise a blush 让人脸红 to raise a fuss/commotion informal 引发一阵忙乱/引起骚动 to raise a storm or howls of protest 激起如潮的抗议 to raise a cheer (among …) «speech, victory» (在…中)引起欢呼 to raise a laugh/smile 引起哄笑/露出笑容 to raise the alarm 发出警报 (improve, lift) 提高 tígāo to raise the tone 提高品位 to raise sb's spirits 鼓舞某人 (mention) 提出 tíchū point, matter, problem, subjectdid he raise any objections? 他表示反对了吗? please raise any queries or questions now 现在请大家提问 (obtain) 筹措 chóucuò capital, money, funds, loanto raise sth for sth; 为某事物筹措某物 to raise sth against or on sth; 抵押某物以筹措某物 I raised £300 against my watch 我把手表抵押了300英镑 (collect) shōu tax; 得到 dédào supportmoney raised from the concert 音乐会所得款项 to raise sth for sth; 为某事物筹集某物 to raise money for charity 筹集善款 (form) 组建 zǔjiàn army; 召集 zhàojí team (mainly US) (bring up) 抚养大 fǔyǎng dà child; 饲养大 sìyǎng dà animalhe was born and raised in Shanghai 他生长在上海 to be raised (as) sth; 被培养成为 atheist, Catholic, city boyto be raised to do sth; 从小被教育要做某事 to be raised on sth; 是靠某事物长大的 I was raised on these stories 我是听着这些故事成长的 Farming (breed, grow) 饲养 sìyǎng animals, livestock; 种植 zhòngzhí crop, corn (erect) 竖起 shùqǐ statue, monumentto raise sth to sb; 为某人建造某物 (end) 解除 jiěchú siege, blockade, restrictionto raise an embargo on sth 解除对某物的禁运 British informal (contact) 和…取得联系 hé… qǔdé liánxì personto raise sb on sth; 通过某物和某人取得联系 to raise sb on the phone/radio 和某人通过手机/无线电联系 Mathematics 使自乘 shǐ zìchéng 8 is 2 raised to the power of 3 8是2的3次方 Games (in poker) 下注超过 xiàzhù chāoguò player; (at bridge) 对…的叫牌加叫 duì… de jiàopái jiā jiào I'll raise you 200 dollars! 我比你多下200元! she raised her partner to three clubs 她将同伴的叫牌加叫到三张梅花 Cooking 使…发酵 shǐ… fājiào bread, doughB. to raise oneself reflexive verb 直起身子 zhíqǐ shēnzi to raise oneself up 直起身子 zhíqǐ shēnzi to raise oneself up on one's elbow 用胳膊肘支起身子 yòng gēbozhǒu zhīqǐ shēnzi to raise oneself from sth; 从…上起身 cóng… shang qǐshēn sofahe raised himself to a sitting position 他直起身子,坐了起来 to raise oneself to one's full height 站得笔直 zhàn de bǐzhí C. noun US (pay rise) 加薪 jiāxīn a three per cent raise 3%的加薪 to ask sb for a raise 向某人要求加薪 Games (in poker) 赌注加码 dǔzhù jiāmǎ ; (in bridge) 加叫 jiā jiào what's your call? — a raise 你叫多少?──加注 a raise to three hearts 加叫三张红桃




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