

词汇 ram
ram | BrE ram, AmE ræm | A. noun Zoology 公羊 gōngyáng (of pile driver) 夯锤 hāngchuí ; (plunger) 柱塞 zhùsāi B. transitive verb present participle ramming past tense, past participle rammed (crash into) 猛撞 měng zhuàng car, boat (push) 硬塞 yìng sāi to ram sth into/in/on sth; 把某物硬塞入某物/硬塞进某物/硬压到某物上 to ram sth down; 把某物猛压下去 she rammed her hat on her head and stalked out in disgust 她猛地把帽子往头上一扣,厌恶地大步走了出去 to ram sth down sb's throat figurative 强行向某人灌输某物 C. intransitive verb present participle ramming past tense, past participle rammed 猛撞 měng zhuàng to ram into/against sth; 猛地撞入/撞上某物 PHRASAL VERB ram home transitive verb [ram sth home, ram home sth] (force into place) 塞入 sāirù he rammed home the bullet clip 他把弹匣压进枪里 figurative (make clearly understood) 迫使明白 pòshǐ míngbai point, messageseeing those pictures really rammed it home to me just how awful the war had been 看到那些照片,确实让我痛感这场战争的可怕




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