

词汇 spike
spike | BrE spʌɪk, AmE spaɪk | A. noun (pointed object) 尖状物 jiānzhuàngwù Railways 道钉 dàodīng Sport 鞋钉 xiédīng a set of spikes 一套鞋钉 Electricity (variation in voltage) 尖峰 jiānfēng (of flower) 穗状花序 suìzhuàng huāxù ; (of corn) suì B. spikes plural noun 钉鞋 dīngxié C. transitive verb (pierce) 用尖物刺穿 yòng jiānwù cìchuān to be spiked on sth 被钉在某物上 informal (add alcohol to) 将烈酒掺入 jiāng lièjiǔ chānrù to spike sth with sth; 把某种酒掺入某物 to be spiked with sth; 被掺入某种酒 Journalism 弃用 qìyòng (thwart) 挫败 cuòbài to spike sb's guns 打乱某人的计划




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