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词汇 spit
spit1 | BrE spɪt, AmE spɪt | A. transitive verb present participle spitting past tense, past participle spat or (mainly US) spit (eject from mouth) 吐出 tǔchū seeds, pipsto spit blood 吐血 to spit milk (all) over the table 把奶吐得满桌子都是 (sputter) 喷出 pēnchū a volcano spitting lava 喷出熔岩的火山 to spit oil/water «pan, kettle» 溅出油/水 (utter) 厉声说出 lìshēng shuōchū insultto spit curses at sb 怒骂某人 B. intransitive verb present participle spitting past tense, past participle spat or (mainly US) spit (eject saliva) 吐口水 tǔ kǒushuǐ to clear one's throat and spit 清清嗓子吐口痰 to spit at each other «children» 互相吐口水 (in contempt) [表示鄙夷地] 啐唾沫 cuì tuòmo to spit on sb/sth; 朝某人/某物啐唾沫 figurative 鄙视某人/某事物 bǐshì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù to spit at sb/in sb's face 朝某人/ 某人的脸上啐一口唾沫 (hiss) 发嘶呼声 fā sīhūshēng to spit at sb/sth «cat» 朝某人/某物发出嘶呼声 to spit with rage or anger «person» 气得直喘粗气 (eject venom) «snake» 喷射毒液 pēnshè dúyè (sputter) 劈啪作响 pīpā zuòxiǎng logs spitting in the fire 火中劈啪作响的木柴 sausages spitting in the frying pan 在煎锅里嘶嘶冒油的香肠 C. impersonal verb British it's spitting (with rain) 天空飘着小雨 tiānkōng piāozhe xiǎoyǔ D. noun uncountable (saliva) 口水 kǒushuǐ his mouth was full of spit 他嘴里满是口水 countable and uncountable (act of spitting) 吐口水 tǔ kǒushuǐ to give a spit 啐口唾沫 spit and polish 彻底的擦洗 to be the (dead) spit of sb informal 和某人简直一模一样 countable British (of rain) 小雨 xiǎoyǔ a few spits of rain 几滴小雨 PHRASAL VERBS spit out transitive verb [spit sth out, spit out sth] (eject from mouth) 吐出 tǔchū to spit sth on to one's plate 把某物吐到盘子里 (sputter) «volcano» 喷出 pēnchū lava, fire(utter) 快速说出 kuàisù shuōchū insultspit it out! informal 有什么话说吧! spit up transitive verb [spit sth up, spit up sth] (eject from mouth) 吐出 tǔchū to spit up blood 咯血 US (regurgitate) «baby» 回呕 huí'ǒu food




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