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词汇 splash
splash | BrE splaʃ, AmE splæʃ | A. noun (sound) 溅泼声 jiànpō shēng ; (effect) 飞溅 fēijiàn to go splash 发出扑通声 to fall into the water with a splash 扑通一声落入水中 to make a (big) splash 溅起(一大片)水花 figurative informal (sensation) 轰动 hōngdòng to make a splash 惹人注目 to cause or make quite a splash «news, scandal» 引起很大的轰动 (paddle, swim) 戏水 xìshuǐ to go for a splash 去游一会儿泳 (spot) (of water) 溅上的液体 jiànshang de yètǐ ; (of mud) 溅上的泥点 jiànshang de nídiǎn splashes of water on the floor 地板上的一摊摊水渍 (patch of colour) 色块 sèkuài a splash of white 白斑 informal (small amount) [掺入的] 少量 shǎoliàng to add a splash of milk 稍加点儿牛奶 B. transitive verb (spatter, spray) 溅起 jiànqǐ water; 溅湿 jiànshī personto splash mud all over sb/sth 把泥浆溅得某人浑身都是/溅得某物到处都是 he got splashed as the car drove through the puddle 车子开过水坑时溅了他一身水 to splash one's way through a swamp 哗哗地趟水穿过沼泽 (sprinkle) to splash water on (to) one's face, to splash one's face with water 往脸上泼水 to splash each other with water 互相泼水 usually passive (decorate) [用颜料等] 泼洒 pōsǎ a towel splashed with blue and green 泼洒有蓝色和绿色的毛巾 Journalism 在显著位置刊登 zài xiǎnzhù wèizhi kāndēng to be splashed across the front pages 刊登在头版的显著位置 C. intransitive verb (spatter) 溅落 jiànluò raindrops splashing against the windscreen 劈里啪啦打在挡风玻璃上的雨点 water was splashing from the tap 水从龙头里哗哗地流出来 (move with splashing action) to splash across the river 哗哗地趟水过河 huāhuā de tāng shuǐ guò hé to splash into the pond «pebble» 扑通一声落入水塘 he splashed into the pond to retrieve the ball 为了拿回球,他扑通一声跳下池塘 (play in water) 戏水 xìshuǐ PHRASAL VERBS splash around, splash about A. intransitive verb 戏水 xìshuǐ B. transitive verb [splash sth around] (spatter) 到处泼溅 dàochù pōjiàn liquid, mud(publicize) 大肆炒作 dàsì chǎozuò news, scandalthe story was splashed around 那篇报道被大肆炒作 informal (spend) 挥霍 huīhuò moneysplash down intransitive verb «spacecraft» 溅落 jiànluò splash out British informal: A. intransitive verb to splash out on sth; 花大把的钱买某物 huā dà bǎ de qián mǎi mǒu wù B. transitive verb [splash out sth] 大把地花 dà bǎ de huā to splash out thousands of pounds on sth 花几千英镑在某事物上 splash up intransitive verb «water, mud» 溅起来 jiàn qilai




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