

词汇 splice
splice | BrE splʌɪs, AmE splaɪs | A. transitive verb (join by interweaving the strands) 绞接 jiǎojiē rope(s)to splice sth to sth 把某物与某物捻接起来 to splice two things together 绞接两样东西 to get spliced British informal 结婚 (join at the ends) 粘接 zhānjiē pieces of timber, film, tapeto splice two things together 把两样东西粘接起来 B. noun (in rope) 绞接点 jiǎojiēdiǎn ; (in film, tape) 粘接点 zhānjiēdiǎn ; (in wood) 交接点 jiāojiēdiǎn a splice in sth 某物的拼接点 to join sth with a splice 把某物拼接起来 a splice joint 绞接点 jiǎojiēdiǎn




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