

词汇 splinter
splinter | BrE ˈsplɪntə, AmE ˈsplɪn(t)ər | A. noun 尖碎片 jiān suìpiàn shell splinters 弹片 to get or have a splinter in sth 某物中扎有尖刺 to extract or remove a splinter from sth 从某物中拔去尖刺 to get a splinter out of sth 把尖刺从某物中取出 to break into splinters 裂成许多尖碎片 B. intransitive verb (break, shatter) 裂成碎片 lièchéng suìpiàn to splinter off (from sth); (从某物中)碎裂出来 to splinter into pieces; 碎裂 to splinter on impact 撞碎 figurative (separate off) 分裂 fēnliè to splinter off (from sth); (从某物中)分裂出来 to splinter into factions; 分裂成派系 C. transitive verb 使裂成碎片 shǐ lièchéng suìpiàn to splinter sth to pieces; 把某物打碎 to splinter a party/group 使政党/小组分崩离析




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