

词汇 supply
supply | BrE səˈplʌɪ, AmE səˈplaɪ | A. noun countable and uncountable (stock) 供应量 gōngyìngliàng supplies of food are almost exhausted 储存的食物快吃完了 an inexhaustible supply of jokes 讲不完的笑话 in short/plentiful supply 供应不足/充足 countable and uncountable (provision) 供应 gōngyìng the supply of raw materials to the factory 向工厂供应原材料 to allow the supply of emergency aid 允许提供紧急援助 the water supply is unsafe 供水不安全 uncountable Economics 供给 gōngjǐ demand for the new model is outrunning supply 这一新款产品现在供不应求 uncountable British School 代课教师 dàikè jiàoshī to do supply work 做代课教师 to be or work on supply 做代课教师 B. supplies plural noun (provisions) 补给品 bǔjǐpǐn our supplies were running out 我们的补给快用完了 a transport plane carrying food and medical supplies 一架运送食物和医疗用品的运输机 Business (goods) 用品 yòngpǐn office/household supplies 办公/家庭用品 electrical supplies 电气设备 C. transitive verb (provide) 供应 gōngyìng they were accused of supplying arms to the rebels 他们被指控向叛乱者提供武器 the hens supply more eggs than we can eat 母鸡下的蛋多得我们吃不完 (equip) 为…提供 wèi… tígōng the bakery has been supplying these shops for years 这家面包房多年来一直给这些商店供货 the boat is supplied with satellite navigation 这条船配有卫星导航系统 (satisfy) 满足 mǎnzú need, requirement




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