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词汇 swallow
swallow1 | BrE ˈswɒləʊ, AmE ˈswɑloʊ | A. transitive verb (take down throat) 吞下 tūnxia food, drink, pillto swallow sth whole 囫囵吞下某物 (engulf) 吞没 tūnmò to be swallowed by the darkness/shadows/flames 被黑暗/阴影/火苗吞没 (use up) 耗尽 hàojìn money, resources, supply (believe) 相信 xiāngxìn story, excuse, explanationto be hard to swallow 难以相信 he told her a pack of lies, but she swallowed it whole 他对她说了一大堆谎话,可是她全都信以为真 (repress) 不流露 bù liúlù pride, disappointment; 抑制 yìzhì anger, doubts (put up with) 忍受 rěnshòu insult, criticismher sarcasm was a bit hard to swallow 她的讽刺让人有点难受 B. intransitive verb (take sth down throat) 咽下去 yàn xiaqu ; (move throat muscles) 做吞咽动作 zuò tūnyàn dòngzuò I've got a really sore throat, and it hurts to swallow 我的喉咙非常疼,一吞咽食物就疼 she swallowed hard and told him the bad news 她硬下心把坏消息告诉了他 C. noun (gulping action) 吞咽 tūnyàn ; (amount gulped down) 一次吞咽量 yī cì tūnyànliàng in one swallow 一口吞下 a swallow of beer 一大口啤酒 PHRASAL VERBS swallow down transitive verb [swallow sth down, swallow down sth] 吞下 tūnxia food, drink, medicinehe swallowed down his dinner as fast as he could 他狼吞虎咽地吃完了晚饭 swallow up transitive verb [swallow sb/sth up, swallow up sb/sth] (engulf) 吞没 tūnmò the dark mist swallowed her up 她消失在了阴沉的薄雾中 I was so embarrassed, I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up 我非常尴尬,恨不得有个地缝让我钻进去 (incorporate) 吞并 tūnbìng company, organization, country(use up) 耗尽 hàojìn money, resources, supply




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