

词汇 sitting
sitting | BrE ˈsɪtɪŋ, AmE ˈsɪdɪŋ | A. noun (meeting) 开会期 kāihuìqī British (of law court) 开庭期 kāitíngqī in sitting 在开庭 (serving period) 一批人就餐时间 yī pī rén jiùcān shíjiān we ate in two sittings 我们分两批就餐 (period of being seated) 坐着的一段时间 zuòzhe de yī duàn shíjiān to read a book at one sitting 坐着一口气把书读完 (period modelling for artist) 一次当模特儿的时间 yī cì dāng mótèr de shíjiān B. adjective (seated) 坐着的 zuòzhe de personto be in a sitting position 采用坐姿 (current) 现任的 xiànrèn de a sitting judge 任期内的法官




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