

词汇 skim
skim | BrE skɪm, AmE skɪm | A. transitive verb present participle skimming past tense, past participle skimmed (remove) 撇去 piēqù cream, fat, scumto skim sth from or off sth; 把某物从某物上撇掉 (remove surface of) 撇去…上的浮沫 piēqù… shang de fúmò stock, jam informal (embezzle) 盗用 dàoyòng money, amount US informal (not declare) 瞒报 mánbào part of income (copy fraudulently) 仿制 fǎngzhì credit card, debt card (pass lightly over) «flying insect, speedboat» 掠过 lüèguo treetops, seaswallows skimming the surface of the lake 掠过湖面的燕子 the article only skims the surface of the problem figurative 这篇文章只谈了问题的皮毛 (bounce across water) 拿…打水漂 ná… dǎ shuǐpiāo pebble (read quickly) 浏览 liúlǎn newspaper, reportI always skim the financial section of the newspaper 我总要浏览一下报纸的财经版 B. intransitive verb present participle skimming past tense, past participle skimmed (pass lightly) «bird, speedboat» 掠过 lüèguo to skim over sth; 从某物上掠过 (read quickly) «reader, eye» 浏览 liúlǎn to skim through an article/a magazine; 浏览文章/杂志 (give little attention to) to skim over sth; 忽略某事物 hūlüè mǒu shìwù his speech skimmed over the unpalatable facts 他在讲话中没有提那些令人不快的事实 US informal (not declare full income) 瞒报收入 mánbào shōurù C. noun (thin layer of plaster, cement) 薄层 báocéng (quick read) 浏览 liúlǎn a quick skim through the pamphlet 对小册子的快速浏览 PHRASAL VERB skim off transitive verb [skim sth off, skim off sth] 撇去 piēqù grease, scumto skim off sth from sth; 从某物上撇掉某物 to skim off the cream from the top of the milk 撇掉牛奶表层的奶油




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