

词汇 reaction
reaction | BrE rɪˈakʃ(ə)n, AmE riˈækʃ(ə)n | A. noun countable and uncountable (response) 反应 fǎnyìng sb's reaction (to sth); 某人(对某事)的反应 a reaction against sth; 对某事的反对 what would be your reaction if I said she was gay? 如果我说她是同性恋,你会怎么想? countable Medicine 不良反应 bùliáng fǎnyìng adverse reactions 副作用 an allergic reaction 过敏反应 countable Chemistry 化学反应 huàxué fǎnyìng a nuclear reaction 核反应 uncountable Politics 反动 fǎndòng the forces of reaction 反动力量 B. reactions plural noun 反应能力 fǎnyìng nénglì you need quick reactions to be a fighter pilot 战斗机飞行员必须反应敏捷




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