词汇 | reading |
释义 | reading | BrE ˈriːdɪŋ, AmE ˈridɪŋ | noun ① uncountable (activity) 阅读 ▸ her reading is poor 她的阅读能力很差 ▸ the reading public 广大读者 ▸ reading materials 阅读材料 ② countable (act of reading) 读 ; (period of reading) 阅读时间 ▸ a closer reading of the text 对这篇文章更仔细的阅读 ▸ at or in one reading or a single reading 以一次阅读 ▸ she read this book at one reading 她一口气看完了这本书 ③ uncountable (books) 读物 ▸ light reading 轻松的读物 ▸ the article is not exactly light reading 这篇文章读起来并不轻松 ▸ heavy or serious reading 艰涩的读物 ▸ to make or be interesting/dull reading 读起来有趣味/很枯燥 ▸ suggested or recommended/required reading 推荐/指定读物 ▸ further reading 其他阅读参考资料 ④ uncountable (knowledge) 书本知识 ▸ a man/woman of immense reading 博览群书的男子/女子 ▸ reading in sth; 某方面的学识 ▸ his reading in Egyptian art is without parallel 他在埃及艺术方面的学识无人能及 ⑤ countable (recorded measurement) 读数 ▸ odometer/thermometer/gas reading 里程计/温度计/煤气表读数 ▸ to take a reading 查表 ▸ meter readings are taken every three months 每三个月抄一次表 ⑥ countable (interpretation) 解读 ▸ a reading of sth; 对某事的解读 ▸ a literal reading of the text 对这个文本的字面理解 ▸ what's your reading of …? 你怎么理解…? ▸ my own reading of events 我本人对事态的看法 ▸ to give sb one's reading (of sth) 告诉某人自己(对某事物)的看法 ⑦ countable (literary event) 朗诵会 ; (extract, story) 朗诵的作品 ▸ a poetry reading 诗歌朗诵会 ▸ a reading from sth; 朗诵的某作品选段 ⑧ countable Bible [在礼拜仪式上诵读的] 《圣经》选段 ▸ a Bible reading 诵读的《圣经》章节 ▸ a reading from sth; 选自某章节的朗读经文 ⑨ countable (announcement) 宣读 ▸ the reading of a will 遗嘱的宣读 ⑩ countable British Politics [议案、法案等的] 宣读 ▸ the first/second/third reading (of sth) (某议案的)第一/二/三次宣读 ▸ the third and final reading of the bill 该法案的第三次也是最终宣读 ▸ at a bill's first/second reading 在法案第一/二次宣读时 ⑪ countable (wording) 版本 ▸ an alternative or variant reading of sth 某物的另一版本 |
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