

词汇 realization
realization | BrE riːəlʌɪˈzeɪʃn, AmE ˌri(ə)ləˈzeɪʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (awareness) 认识 rènshi the (sudden) realization that … (突然)意识到… a growing realization that … 越来越认识到… to come to the realization that … 逐渐意识到… uncountable formal (of design, idea) 体现 tǐxiàn the realization of this design in stone 这个设计通过石头的体现 uncountable (fulfilment) 发挥 fāhuī the realization of his full potential 他全部潜力的发挥 uncountable (of fear) 成真 chéng zhēn the realization of his worst nightmares 他最可怕的噩梦成真 uncountable and countable (of ambition, hope) 实现 shíxiàn the realization of a cherished dream 夙愿的实现 uncountable Finance (liquidation) 变现 biànxiàn the realization of assets 资产的变现




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