

词汇 realize
realize | BrE ˈrɪəlʌɪz, AmE ˈri(ə)ˌlaɪz | transitive verb (know, be aware of) 认识到 rènshi dào mistake, truth, significanceI realize that you feel differently 我明白你的感受不一样 to realize how/why/what 意识到怎样/为什么/什么 to come to realize sth 逐渐明白某事 to make sb realize sth 使某人了解某事 do you realize that I'm waiting for you? 你明白我在等你吗? (make concrete, real) 体现 tǐxiàn design, idea (fulfil) 发挥 fāhuī potential; 实现 shíxiàn possibilities (cause to happen) 使成真 shǐ chéng zhēn my worst fears were realized 我最担心的事情发生了 (achieve) 将…变为现实 jiāng… biànwéi xiànshí dream, hope Finance (liquidate) 把…变现 bǎ… biànxiàn sharesthe company had to realize its most valuable assets 公司只好变卖最值钱的资产 (be sold for) 售得 shòudé amounthow much do you expect the furniture to realize? 这家具你想卖多少钱? Business (make, earn) 赚得 zhuàndé to realize a sum on sth; 在某物上赚一笔钱




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