

词汇 terror
terror | BrE ˈtɛrə, AmE ˈtɛrər | noun uncountable and countable (fear) 恐惧 kǒngjù frozen by or with terror 吓呆了的 to be in terror of sth/doing sth 害怕某事/做某事 to strike terror into (the heart of) sb 使某人心惊胆战 countable (person who terrorizes) 可怕的人 kěpà de rén ; (thing that terrorizes) 恐怖的事物 kǒngbù de shìwù ; (annoying person) 讨厌的人 tǎoyàn de rén ; (annoying thing) 讨厌的事 tǎoyàn de shì a little or holy terror 小捣蛋鬼 he's a terror for cleanliness 他有洁癖 uncountable (intimidation, terrorism) 恐怖活动 kǒngbù huódòng a terror attack 恐怖袭击




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