

词汇 this
this | BrE ðɪs, AmE ðɪs | plural these A. determiner (referring to person or thing nearby, to the nearer of two, to person or thing already mentioned) 这(个) zhè(gè) this man is dangerous 这个人很危险 do it this way, not that way 要这样做,别那样做 I said this dress (for emphasis) 我说的是这件连衣裙 this way and that 四处 all these books belong to her 这些书全是她的 (referring to present, future) běn this week/month/year 本星期/这个月/今年 this morning 今天早上 this minute 现在 at this moment 在这一刻 these days 现在 this Friday 本周五 this coming week 下周 (referring to time just passed) 最近的 zuìjìn de we've lived here these (past) five years 我们最近五年一直住在这里 informal (expressing attitude) these new friends of hers are supposed to be very rich 她的这些新朋友据说很有钱 informal (when narrating events) 一个 yī gè this woman came up to me 有个女人走到我跟前 B. pronoun (referring to person or thing nearby, to the nearer of two, or to person or thing already mentioned) 这(个) zhè(gè) what's this? 这是什么? who's this? (on telephone) 是哪一位? whose is this? 这是谁的? who did this? 这是谁干的? where's this? 这是在哪里? this is what happens when you press the red button 按下红色按钮就会发生这种情况 we'll need more than this 我们需要的不止这个 it happened like this 事情是这样的 hold it like this 像这样握住它 this and that, this, that, and the other informal (various things) 各种各样的东西 (various activities) 各种各样的活动 not those, these! 不是那些,是这些! (introducing sb or sth) (referring to event or words spoken) zhè this is the book I was talking about 这就是我说的那本书 hello, this is Anna Diaz (on telephone) 你好,我是安娜迪亚斯 what did you mean by this? 你这是什么意思? this was not what she had intended 这不是她所希望的 what's all this about? 这是怎么一回事? after this we'll have lunch 等这事完了我们就吃午饭 before this he'd never been out of France 此前他从没离开过法国 at this 随即 with this 紧接着 with this she turned and walked away 她随即转身就走了 this is it (indicating sth about to happen) 是这样的 (expressing agreement) 说得对 well, this is it! wish me luck! 好,就这样!祝我好运吧! yes, this is it, you just can't trust him 是的,说得对,你根本不能相信他 C. adverb 这么 zhème it's this big 它有这么大 I can't eat this much 我吃不了这么多 to get this far literal 走这么远 figurative 进行到这一步 jìnxíng dào zhè yī bù




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