

词汇 thousand
thousand | BrE ˈθaʊz(ə)nd, AmE ˈθaʊz(ə)nd | A. noun 一千 yīqiān a or one thousand and one 一千零一 ten thousand 一万 by the thousand 成千地 I have nearly a thousand 我有差不多一千 B. adjective (in number) 一千的 yīqiān de a three-thousand-mile journey 三千英里的旅行 informal (in large quantities) 许许多多的 xǔxǔduōduō de a thousand thanks 多谢 to die a thousand deaths 羞愧难当 C. thousands plural noun (number range) 千位数 qiānwèishù informal (large numbers, amounts) 成千上万 chéng qiān shàng wàn




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