

词汇 threaten
threaten | BrE ˈθrɛt(ə)n, AmE ˈθrɛtn | A. transitive verb (menace) 恐吓 kǒnghè to be threatened with death/prison 受到死亡/坐牢的威胁 (warn of) 发出…的威胁 fāchū… de wēixié revenge, violenceto threaten to do sth; 威胁要做某事 the clouds threatened rain 云层预示着要下雨 (endanger) 危及 wēijí peace, stability, wildlife, planetto be threatened with starvation/extinction 有发生饥荒/灭绝的危险 (be likely) «person, illness, danger» 威胁着要 wēixiézhe yào to threaten to do sth; 可能造成某种恶果 rain threatens to stop play 大雨可能造成停赛 B. intransitive verb «war, famine, danger, adverse weather» 可能来临 kěnéng láilín




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