

词汇 thrill
thrill | BrE θrɪl, AmE θrɪl | A. noun (sensation) 震颤感 zhènchàngǎn a thrill of pleasure 一阵快感 to feel or experience a thrill (of joy) 感觉到一阵(愉悦的)刺激 to get a thrill or one's thrills (from/out of doing sth) (从某事/做某事中)得到刺激 thrills and spills 紧张和刺激 (pleasure) 兴奋 xīngfèn it was a thrill to meet her 见到她真是太激动了 B. transitive verb 使…非常兴奋 shǐ… fēicháng xīngfèn person, crowd, audienceC. intransitive verb 感到非常兴奋 gǎndào fēicháng xīngfèn to thrill to sth; 对某事感到非常兴奋




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