

词汇 throat
throat | BrE θrəʊt, AmE θroʊt | noun (passageway in neck) 咽喉 yānhóu a throat infection/injury/disease 咽喉感染/伤害/疾病 a throat lozenge/tablet/spray 止咳糖/咽喉片/咽喉喷剂 to cut or slit sb's throat 割断某人的咽喉 to clear one's throat 清清嗓子 to have a lump in one's throat 哽咽 to stick in sb's throat 卡在某人嗓子里 it sticks in my throat figurative 我难以启齿 to jump down sb's throat informal 严厉斥责某人 to ram or stuff or thrust sth down sb's throat informal 强行向某人灌输某事 (part of neck) (excluding passageway) 喉部 hóubù ; (including passageway) 颈前部 jǐngqiánbù to grab sb/sth by the throat 掐住某人/某物的颈部 to cut one's own throat 自寻死路 to be at each other's throat or at one another's throats (fighting fiercely) 激烈打斗 (arguing fiercely) 激烈争吵 (constricted opening) 口子 kǒuzi the throat of a chimney 烟囱口 the throat of a shoe 鞋帮口




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