

词汇 throb
throb | BrE θrɒb, AmE θrɑb | A. noun (sound) [有节奏的] 震响 zhènxiǎng (movement, sensation) (of heart, pulse) [有节奏的] 跳动 tiàodòng ; (of pain) 抽痛 chōutòng B. intransitive verb present participle throbbing past tense, past participle throbbed (pound with pain) «wound, body part» 阵阵作痛 zhènzhèn zuòtòng my head is throbbing 我的头阵阵抽痛 (pulsate) «pulse, heart, blood» 搏动 bódòng to be throbbing with life 生机勃勃 (make sound) «motor, machine, music, drums» 有节奏地震响 yǒu jiézòu de zhènxiǎng the air/forest throbbed with the call of the birds 空中/森林里回荡着一阵阵鸟鸣




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