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词汇 through
through | BrE θruː, AmE θru | A. preposition (into and out the other side of, making hole or opening in, passing among) 穿过 chuānguo to look through sth; 通过…观看 hole, windowgo straight through that door 直接穿过那道门 she stuck her finger through the slit 她将手指插入裂缝 to cut through the fields 穿越田野 to go through the town centre 穿过市中心 they travelled through Germany to Poland 他们取道德国前往波兰 the nail went right through the wall 钉子直接穿透了墙壁 he jumped through the window to escape 他破窗而逃 he drilled through a cable 他将电缆钻透了 to fly through dense clouds 飞过厚厚的云层 (across) 穿行于 chuānxíng yú he's travelling through Asia at the moment 他目前正在周游亚洲 to fly through the air «acrobat, arrow, bullet» 从空中飞过 (throughout) 遍及 biànjí villages were scattered through the jungle 丛林中到处散布着村庄 (from other side of) 从…的另一侧 cóng… de lìng yī cè the sun was streaming in through the window 阳光从窗外射进来 I saw a figure inside through the net curtains 透过网眼窗帘我看到里面有个人影 I couldn’t hear their conversation through the wall 隔着墙我听不到他们的谈话 to feel the stones through one's shoes 感觉到鞋底下面的石子 (past) 经过 jīngguò he drove through a red light 他开车闯红灯了 the water poured through the roof 水透过房顶一泻而下 the approach to the church is through the gate 去教堂要经过那道大门 we were through customs in less than five minutes 我们不到五分钟就要通关了 (in course of) 在…期间 zài… qījiān the goal came midway through the second half 下半场进行到一半时进球了 (completing successfully) 通过 tōngguò to make it through an exam/a test/this round 顺利通过考试/测试/这一轮 to get the bill through the Lords 使议案在上议院得以通过 (from beginning to end of) 从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi to work all or right through the day 整天工作 he talked all the way through the film 电影放映期间他一直在说话 to have been through a lot 遭遇了很多不幸 to put sb through it (mainly British) informal 迫使某人吃苦 I've had a look through his file 我查看过他的档案 rotate it through 180° 将它旋转180度 (by means of sth) 凭借 píngjiè ; (as part of a process) 经由 jīngyóu to seek justice through the proper channels 通过适当渠道寻求公正 to look through binoculars/a telescope 用双筒望远镜/望远镜观看 it was through him that I got the job 我是通过他找到的这份工作 to speak through an interpreter 通过翻译来讲话 I heard through a friend 我听一个朋友说的 to send sth through the post 邮递某物 to book sth through a travel agent 通过旅行社预订某物 it's been through several people's hands 它已经几易其手 (because of) 因为 yīnwèi through carelessness/inexperience/illness 因粗心/缺乏经验/生病 US (until and including) 直到 zhídào March 24 through May 7 从3月24号直到5月7号 open April through September 四月至九月开放 1939 through 1945 从1939年到1945年 B. adjective predicative informal (finished) 结束的 jiéshù de ; (no longer in a relationship) 断绝关系的 duànjué guānxì de are we through now? 我们现在结束了吗? to be through with sb/sth (finished with) 处理完某人的事/某事 I'm not through with you yet! 我还没跟你说完呢! are you through with the paper? 你的论文完成了吗? Claire and I are through 克莱尔和我吹了 to be through with sb/sth (no longer have relationship with) 与某人/某事断绝关系 I'm through with men! 我再也不想和男人谈情说爱了! predicative informal (no longer successful) 彻底失败的 chèdǐ shībài de you're through! get out! 你被炒鱿鱼了!滚出去! attributive (passing from one side to other) 贯穿的 guànchuān de ‘through traffic’ “过境交通” ‘no through road’ “此路不通” a through route/train 直通路线/直达列车 a through ticket 联运票 predicative British informal (worn) 磨破的 mópò de C. adverb (into and out the other side, making hole or opening, passing among group) 穿过 chuānguo to squeeze through 挤过去 to make one's way through 穿过去 I went up to the kitchen window and looked through 我走到厨房窗户前向外望去 the bullet went straight through 子弹一下子打穿了 (from other side, past opening or obstacle, completing successfully) 通过 tōngguò the sunlight was streaming through 阳光直射进来 to drive straight through 径直开过去 to make it through to the next round/the semifinals/the final 成功进入下一轮/半决赛/决赛 (in course of a process or period) 持续地 chíxù de we'll have to struggle through till pay day 我们一定要坚持到发薪日 (from beginning to end, inspecting sth) 自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng to play sth right through 将某作品完整演奏一遍 I'm about halfway through already 我差不多已经完成一半了 from Friday through to Sunday 从星期五一直到星期天 this train goes straight through to York 这趟列车直达约克 I gave the article a quick look through 我将文章快速浏览了一遍 Telecommunications (connected) 接通 jiētōng to be through to sb/sth; 接通某人/某处的电话 (completely) 完全 wánquán to be soaked or wet through «person, clothes» 湿透 to be cooked right through 熟透 through and through 彻底地 to know an area/a city through and through 对某个地区/城市了如指掌 he's British through and through 他是地地道道的英国人




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