

词汇 split off
split off, split away A. intransitive verb (crack off) 断裂 duànliè ; (fall off) 断落 duànluò to split off from the trunk «branch» 从树干上断裂 figurative (diverge) 分离 fēnlí to split off from the main group 脱离大部队 to split off and found one's own political party 分裂出去成立自己的政党 B. transitive verb [split sth off, split off sth] (detach) 使…断裂 shǐ… duànliè branchto split a piece off (from) sth 从某物上切下一块 (separate) 使…分离 shǐ… fēnlí groupto split sth off from the rest of the organization 把…从机构的其他部门独立出来




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