

词汇 splutter
splutter | BrE ˈsplʌtə, AmE ˈsplədər | A. intransitive verb (speak quickly and with spitting sound) 慌张地说话 huāngzhāng de shuōhuà to splutter with rage/astonishment 愤怒/吃惊得说话颠三倒四 to splutter in confusion/anger 语无伦次/气愤得语无伦次 (spit) «person» 喷吐 pēntǔ ; (sputter) «engine, fire, fat» 发劈啪声 fā pīpā shēng to splutter out; 劈里啪啦地熄灭 to cough and splutter 一边咳嗽一边噗噗地吐气 to splutter to a halt 劈里啪啦地停下来 B. transitive verb 语无伦次地说 yǔ wú lúncì de shuō words, apologyto splutter sth out; 语无伦次地说出某事 C. noun 劈啪声 pīpā shēng to give a splutter 发出劈啪声 a splutter of sth; 某物的劈啪声




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