

词汇 rebel
rebel A. noun | BrE ˈrɛb(ə)l, AmE ˈrɛbəl | Military 叛乱者 pànluànzhě armed rebels 武装叛乱分子 he joined the rebel forces 他加入了叛军 (in party, organization) 反对派 fǎnduìpài a rebel delegate 反对派代表 (nonconformist) 反抗者 fǎnkàngzhě he was a real rebel at school 他以往在学校里是个叛逆分子 a rebel against sth; 某事物的叛逆者 a rebel streak 叛逆的性格 B. intransitive verb | BrE rɪˈbɛl, AmE rɛˈbəl | present participle rebelling past tense, past participle rebelled Military «subject, province» 反抗 fǎnkàng to rebel against sth; 反抗某事物 (against leadership) «MP, delegate» 持反对立场 chí fǎnduì lìchǎng (against authority, parents) «teenager, tearaway, artist» 叛逆 pànnì to rebel against sth/sb; 对某事物/某人叛逆 (protest) 嫌恶 xiánwù to rebel at sth; 对某事物反感 figurative (show resistance) «feet, arms» 抗拒 kàngjù after six hours' walking, my legs began to rebel 走了6个小时路以后,我的腿开始不听使唤了 his stomach rebelled at the thought of more food 一想到要吃更多的食物他就反胃




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