

词汇 recognition
recognition | BrE rɛkəɡˈnɪʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (identification) 认出 rènchū beyond or out of all recognition 无法辨认 they've changed the town beyond recognition 他们把城市弄得面目全非 (realization) 认识 rènshi there is a growing recognition that … 越来越多的人认识到… (acknowledgement) 承认 chéngrèn to gain international recognition 获得国际承认 to receive or win recognition for sth 在…上获得承认 work, achievement, contributionin recognition of … 作为对…的承认 (by a computer) 识别 shíbié (appreciation) 赞誉 zànyù to give or grant sb recognition 给予某人表彰 general/universal/growing/official/public recognition 普遍的/一致的/日益增加的/官方的/公众的赞誉 recognition for sth 对某事的赞赏 in recognition of sth; 作为对某事的表彰




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