

词汇 recoil
recoil A. intransitive verb | BrE rɪˈkɔɪl, AmE rəˈkɔɪl | (jump back) «person» 后退 hòutuì to recoil from or at sth; 躲开某物 to recoil in horror/disgust 恐惧/厌恶地往后缩 (feel revulsion at) 畏缩 wèisuō to recoil at or from sth; 对某事畏缩不前 (jerk backwards) «gun, rifle» 反冲 fǎnchōng (rebound) «spring» 反弹 fǎntán the muscle has the ability to recoil 肌肉有弹力 (affect adversely) to recoil on sb; 报应到某人头上 bàoyìng dào mǒu rén tóu shang B. noun | BrE ˈriːkɔɪl, AmE ˈriˌkɔɪl,rəˈkɔɪl | (of gun) 后坐 hòuzuò ; (of spring) 弹回 tánhuí (revulsion) 畏缩 wèisuō recoil from sth; 对某物的畏惧




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