

词汇 recommend
recommend | BrE rɛkəˈmɛnd, AmE ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd | transitive verb (commend, suggest) 推荐 tuījiàn doctor, film, bookto recommend sb for a job 推荐某人做一份工作 she comes highly recommended 她深受好评 a policy that is to be recommended 受推崇的政策 (advise) 建议 jiànyì closure, reduction, measurethe scheme is recommended for approval 这个计划被提请审批 (favour) 使…受欢迎 shǐ… shòu huānyíng idea, placethe strategy has much to recommend it 这个策略有很多可取之处 the hotel has little to recommend it 这个旅馆毫无可取之处 her reputation for laziness did not recommend her to potential employers 她懒惰的名声使她找不到雇主 archaic (entrust) «priest, father» 托付 tuōfù oneself, one's soulhe recommended the child to her care 他把孩子托付给她照料




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