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词汇 spread
spread | BrE sprɛd, AmE sprɛd | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle spread (open out) 展开 zhǎnkāi sails; (lay out) 铺开 pūkāi groundsheetto spread one's arms wide 张开双臂 to spread its tail «peacock» 开屏 to spread its wings «bird» 展翅 to spread sth on the table/floor 在桌子/地板上摊开某物 to spread sth over the furniture (as cover) 把某物盖在家具上 spread 'em! informal (police command) 手脚伸开! (smear) to spread sth on sth; 在某物上涂 butter, pasteto spread sth with sth; 在…上涂某物 surface, paperto spread cream over one's cheeks 把护肤霜涂抹在脸颊上 to spread butter on the bread 在面包上抹黄油 usually passive (lay, cover) 覆盖 fùgài to be spread with gravel 铺上了砾石 to be spread with sheets 铺着床单 the table is spread with cakes/for lunch 桌上摆满了蛋糕/已摆好午饭 (distribute, disperse) 使分散 shǐ fēnsàn seeds are spread by the wind 种子是随风传播的 to spread the compost/sand evenly 均匀地施堆肥/撒沙子 to spread mud everywhere 把烂泥弄得到处都是 to spread the workload fairly 公平地分摊工作量 to spread resources thinly 分散使用资源 to be spread all over the country 遍布全国 (diffuse) 传播 chuánbō to spread gossip 散布流言 to spread a disease 传播疾病 the wind spread the fire to … 火借风势蔓延到… to spread the word 传播消息 word had been spread among the staff that … 员工们一直在传言说… (space out) 分布 fēnbù to be spread (out) over several months «meetings» 延续几个月 five interviews will be spread over three days 将分3天进行5个访谈 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle spread (proliferate) 扩散 kuòsàn to spread from place to place «fire, fear» 四处蔓延 to spread to other countries «disease, religion» 传播到其他国家 water spread across the floor 水漫过了地板 the settlers began to spread inland 移民们开始向内地迁移 a smile spread across his face 他脸上露出了笑容 gossip spreads rapidly 流言传播得很快 reports were spreading that … 有传闻说… (cover area) 延伸 yánshēn ; (cover time) 延续 yánxù the forest spreads for miles in all directions 这片森林方圆好几英里 a desert which spreads over the whole of the north of the country 覆盖该国整个北部地区的沙漠 experience spreading over thirty years 30多年的经验 (be spreadable) «butter, cream» 可以涂抹 kěyǐ túmǒ to spread easily 容易涂开 C. to spread oneself reflexive verb past tense, past participle spread to spread oneself over or across sth 伸展四肢躺在…上 shēnzhǎn sìzhī tǎng zài… shang sofa, bedto spread oneself too thinly figurative informal 样样都抓,哪样都抓不好 D. noun uncountable (diffusion) (of information, disease) 传播 chuánbō ; (of fire, plague) 蔓延 mànyán ; (of nuclear weapons) 扩散 kuòsàn the spread of religion/democracy 宗教/民主思想的传播 the spread of education/ideas 教育/观念的普及 the spread of a population into an area 人口向一个地区的迁移 countable usually singular (width) 宽度 kuāndù ; (range) 范围 fànwéi the spread of a bird's wings 鸟的翼展 there is quite a spread in terms of age 年龄段分布相当广泛 the spread between borrowing and deposit rates (difference) 存贷款利差 countable Journalism 跨数栏的文章 kuà shù lán de wénzhāng a double-/full-page spread 横贯两版/整版的文章 uncountable and countable Cooking jiàng cheese spread 奶酪酱 countable informal (assortment of dishes) 丰盛的饭菜 fēngshèng de fàncài a magnificent spread 盛宴 countable US (ranch) 大牧场 dà mùchǎng ; (farm) 大农场 dà nóngchǎng countable US = bedspreadPHRASAL VERBS spread around, spread about transitive verb [spread sth around] 散布 sànbù rumourit's being spread around that … 有传言说… spread out A. intransitive verb (move apart) 散开 sànkāi the police spread out to search the hillside 警察分散开来搜索山坡 (extend) 延伸 yánshēn the woods spread out as far as the eye could see 树林一望无际 B. transitive verb [spread sth out, spread out sth] (open out) 摊开 tānkāi map, clothspread one's arms out 张开双臂 the plans were spread out on the table 设计图摊开放在桌上 the whole town lay spread out before them 整个小镇都展现在他们眼前 [spread sth/sb out, spread out sth/sb] (distribute over area) 使分散 shǐ fēnsàn spread your men out 让你的人散开 houses were spread out all over the valley 房子零散分布在山谷各处




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