

词汇 sprout
sprout | BrE sprəʊt, AmE spraʊt | A. noun Botany (shoot) 新芽 xīnyá = Brussels sproutB. intransitive verb (put forth shoots) «potato, tree» 发芽 fāyá buds are sprouting on the trees 树木正在发芽 (grow) «grass, plant» 长出 zhǎngchū hair sprouting from one's ears 耳朵上长出的毛 figurative (appear) = sprout upC. transitive verb 长出 zhǎngchū new growthto sprout shoots 发芽 fāyá to sprout a horn/beard 长角/长胡子 PHRASAL VERB sprout up intransitive verb literal 迅速生长 xùnsù shēngzhǎng to sprout up overnight 一夜之间长出来 figurative «buildings» 涌现 yǒngxiàn office blocks are sprouting up in the city centre 一幢幢办公大楼在城市中心拔地而起




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