

词汇 construct
construct A. transitive verb | BrE kənˈstrʌkt, AmE kənˈstrəkt | 建造 jiànzào building, bridge; 构建 gòujiàn model; 制造 zhìzào machine, vehicleto construct sth of or out of or from … 用…建造某物 the house was constructed in stone 这栋房子是用石头建的 (form) 创立 chuànglì theory; 构思 gòusī work of art Linguistics 构造 gòuzào to construct a sentence 造句 Mathematics 绘制 huìzhì geometric figureB. noun | BrE ˈkɒnstrʌkt, AmE ˈkɑnˌstrəkt | (concept, idea) 构想 gòuxiǎng Psychology 构念 gòuniàn Linguistics 结构体 jiégòutǐ (made object) 建造物 jiànzàowù




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