

词汇 construction
construction | BrE kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n, AmE kənˈstrəkʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (act of building) 建造 jiànzào to be under construction 正在建造 a house of poor construction 造得很差的房子 the construction industry 建筑业 jiànzhùyè uncountable (building industry) 建筑业 jiànzhùyè to work in construction 从事建筑业 uncountable (assembly of car, machine) 装配 zhuāngpèi countable (of abstract entity) 构思 gòusī the construction of a hypothesis 假设的构想 countable (structure) 建筑物 jiànzhùwù countable (interpretation) 解释 jiěshì to put a construction on or upon sth 对某事物作解释说明 Linguistics uncountable (syntax) 结构 jiégòu ; countable (syntactic unit) 结构体 jiégòutǐ




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