

词汇 screw up
screw up A. transitive verb [screw sth up, screw up sth] (tighten) 拧紧 nǐngjǐn screw, nut(crumple) 把…揉成团 bǎ… róuchéng tuán paper, handkerchiefshe screwed up her eyes because of the glare of the lights 亮光刺得她眯起了眼睛 don't screw your face up like that, try to look natural 别那样绷着脸,自然一点吧 informal (mess up) 搞砸 gǎozá plan, projectinformal (make unhappy) 使心烦意乱 shǐ xīn fán yì luàn (summon) 振作 zhènzuò to screw up one's courage (to do sth) 鼓起勇气(做某事) B. intransitive verb (become tighter) «nut» 拧紧 nǐngjǐn (mainly US) informal (mess up) 搞砸 gǎozá




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