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词汇 seal
seal2 | BrE siːl, AmE ˈsi(ə)l | A. noun (closure) 密封口 mìfēngkǒu ; (made of wax) 封蜡 fēnglà ; (made of lead) 封铅 fēngqiān the customs officer checked the seals on the container 海关关员检查了集装箱上的封条 given under my hand and seal Law 经我本人签名密封 (authenticating stamp) 印章 yìnzhāng the royal seal 玺印 figurative (confirmation, guarantee) 保证 bǎozhèng the seal of approval 正式批准 under the seal of confession Religion 在告解保密的情况下 [天主教牧师对告解者的忏悔内容予以保密]under the seal of secrecy 在承诺保密的情况下 (symbol of office) 官方的标志 guānfāng de biāozhì the seals of office 官方特权的标志 to set one's seal on sth 在某物上盖上自己的图章 figurative 在某物上留下自己的风格 zài mǒu wù shang liúxia zìjǐ de fēnggé to set or put the seal on sth 使某事完美收场 (tight closure) 密封 mìfēng ; (device to form closure) 密封物 mìfēngwù the rubber ring acts as a seal around the neck of the jar 广口瓶瓶颈处的橡胶圈起密封作用 (ornamental stamp) 装饰性贴签 zhuāngshìxìng tiēqiān [用于信件、包裹或慈善目的] B. transitive verb (authenticate) 在…上盖章 zài… shang gàizhāng the document has been signed and sealed 文件已经签字盖章了 (close) 把…封口 bǎ… fēngkǒu envelope, parcel; 封好 fēng hǎo container, consignment, lorrysealed orders 封缄命令 my lips are sealed 我守口如瓶 (make airtight, watertight) 把…封死 bǎ… fēngsǐ joint, wall, cement; 把…密封 bǎ… mìfēng container; 把…过油 bǎ… guò yóu steak, meat (confirm) 达成 dáchéng bargain; 缔结 dìjié alliance, friendshipto seal a contract 签下合同 to seal sth with a kiss/an embrace 亲吻/拥抱以达成某事 to seal sb's fate/the fate of sth 某人/某物在劫难逃 PHRASAL VERBS seal in transitive verb [seal sth in, seal in sth] 密封住 mìfēng zhù smell, flavourseal off transitive verb [seal sth off, seal off sth] (make separate from) 隔开 gékāi section of building(prevent access to) 封锁 fēngsuǒ building, street, areaseal up transitive verb [seal sth up, seal up sth] 封死 fēngsǐ door, window




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