

词汇 slap
slap | BrE slap, AmE slæp | A. transitive verb present participle slapping past tense, past participle slapped (hit) 拍打 pāida to slap sb across the face, to slap sb's face 打某人耳光 to slap sb for sth/doing sth 因某事物/做某事打某人耳光 to slap a child's bottom 打孩子屁股 to slap one's thighs 拍大腿 to slap sb on the arm/leg 拍某人的胳膊/腿 to slap sb on the back (in praise) 赞扬某人 (in congratulation) 拍打某人后背以示祝贺 to slap sb in the face 侮辱某人 to slap sb with sth figurative informal 对某人加以 penalty 对某人处以 duì mǒu rén chǔyǐ fine (put) to slap sth on (to) sth 把…啪的一声摔在某物上 paper, money 把…涂抹在某处 bǎ… túmǒ zài mǒu chù paint, make-upto slap sth on the table 啪的一声把某物摔在桌子上 B. intransitive verb present participle slapping past tense, past participle slapped to slap against sth; «water» 拍打 pāida wall, boatto slap into sth; «water» 涌入 yǒngrù doorway, pipeC. noun (blow) 拍打 pāida to give sb/sth a slap 拍某人/拍打某物 to give sb a slap for sth/doing sth 因某事/做某事而拍某人 a slap on sth 拍打某物 to deserve a slap (on the bottom) 该挨巴掌 a slap across or in the face 一记耳光 a slap in the face (rebuff) 拒绝 (snub) 怠慢 (to give sb) a slap on the back (for sth/doing sth) figurative (in praise) (因某事物/做某事)表扬(某人) (in congratulation) (因某事物/做某事)(向某人)祝贺 a slap on the wrist 警告 to get a slap on the wrist for sth/doing sth 因某事物/做某事而受训诫 (sound) 拍打声 pāida shēng the slap of the waves against the rocks/hull figurative 浪打在礁石/船体上的声音 D. adverb = slap bangPHRASAL VERBS slap down: transitive verb [slap sth down, slap down sth] (put down) 把…啪地一放 bǎ… pā de yī fàng money, paperto slap sth down on (to) sth 把某物啪地扔在某物上 [slap sb down] informal (silence) 粗暴地打断 cūbào de dǎduàn ; (reprimand) 训斥 xùnchì slap on transitive verb [slap sth on, slap on sth] informal (put on) 随意涂抹 suíyì túmǒ paint, make-upjust slap the paint on 随便刷点漆就行了 figurative (apply) 加以 jiāyǐ penaltyto slap on (an extra) 50p (add) (又)加价50便士 to slap an embargo on imports/a ban on using email on the staff 对进口货物实行禁运/禁止员工使用电邮 to slap a fine on sb 对某人处以罚款




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