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词汇 strike
strike | BrE strʌɪk, AmE straɪk | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle struck (hit with hand, weapon, implement) 击打 jīdǎ to strike sb in the face 打某人的脸 to strike sb on the head 砸某人的头 to strike sth with sth; 用某物捶打某物 (collide with, fall on) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng the ship struck a rock 船触礁了 the town hall had been struck by a bomb/missile 市政厅遭到了炸弹/导弹袭击 (knock) 撞击 zhuàngjī the stone struck her on the forehead 石头击中了她的额头 he struck his head on the table 他的头撞到了桌子上 Sport (hit) tennis ball; (kick) footballhe struck the ball into the back of the net 他把球踢入网窝 (inflict) 给予 jǐyǔ blowfate then struck another cruel blow 接着命运又给了一次残酷的打击 she struck him a heavy blow on the head 她重重地打了一下他的头 who struck the first blow? 谁先动的手? to strike a blow for sth 维护 cause, belief, principleto strike a blow against or at sth 损害 cause, belief, principle (afflict) 侵袭 qīnxí disaster struck the family once again 灾难再次降临这个家庭 the area was struck by an outbreak of cholera 这一地区爆发了霍乱 (create) 引起 yǐnqǐ to strike fear or terror into sb or into sb's heart 使某人感到恐惧 (occur to) 使突然想到 shǐ tūrán xiǎngdào an awful thought struck me 我突然有了一个可怕的念头 to (suddenly) strike sb that … 某人(突然)想起… (seem to) 给…以某种印象 gěi… yǐ mǒu zhǒng yìnxiàng how does the idea strike you? 你觉得这个主意怎么样? she strikes me as very efficient or as a very efficient person 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人 it strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the reform 我觉得没有人真正赞成这项改革 (be taken with) 打动 dǎdòng I was struck with him 我被他打动了 I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm 她年轻热情,把我迷住了 to be struck on sb/sth British informal 迷恋某人/某事物 we’re not very struck on that new restaurant British informal 我们不太喜欢那家新餐馆 (fall on) «light» 照在…上 zhào zài… shang ; «lightning» 击中 jīzhòng (be perceived by) 被…感受到 bèi… gǎnshòu dào a terrible sight struck my eyes 我忽然看到一处可怕的景象 (cause to become) 使处于某状态 shǐ chǔyú mǒu zhuàngtài to strike sb dead 劈死某人 to be struck dumb (with amazement) (吃惊得)张口结舌 to be struck blind 突然失明 (ignite) 划燃 huárán to strike a match 划火柴 (produce by friction) 摩擦出 mócā chū he had a flint for striking fire 他有一块打火的燧石 the sword struck sparks off the stone floor 剑砍在石地板上,火星飞溅 (chime) «clock» 敲响报出 qiāoxiǎng bàochū time Music 弹奏 tánzòu to strike a chord on the piano 在钢琴上弹出和弦 (discover) (by drilling) 钻探到 zuāntàn dào ; (by mining) 开采出 kāicǎi chū miners prospecting in the valley struck a seam of silver 在山谷里勘探的矿工们发现了一个银矿层 to strike a vein of sth figurative 发现某种特性 exploring women's everyday lives, she struck a rich vein of humour 她在对女性的日常生活进行研究时发现其中包含大量的幽默元素 (achieve) 达成 dáchéng to strike a deal 成交 to strike a balance or happy medium (between sth and sth) (在某事物和某事物之间)找到折中办法 to strike a balance between order and freedom 兼顾秩序和自由 (assume) 摆出 bǎichū to strike a pose 装腔作势 (delete) 删去 shānqù I will strike his name from the list 我要把他的名字从名单里画掉 (produce by stamping metal) 铸造 zhùzào coin, medal (take down, dismantle) 拆卸 chāixiè tent; 拆除 chāichú stage set, scenery, scaffoldingto strike camp 撤营 (lower) 降下 jiàngxia sail, flagto strike one's colours Military 降旗 (develop) to strike root «plant» 生根 shēnggēn Fishing (hook) 急拉钓线把…钩住 jí lā diàoxiàn bǎ… gōuzhù fish; (bite) «fish» yǎo bait, flyB. intransitive verb past tense, past participle struck (hit) 撞击 zhuàngjī 12 people were killed when the missile struck 导弹袭击造成12人死亡 my head struck against a beam 我的头撞在横梁上 formal (with hand, weapon, implement) 击打 jīdǎ hold the nail, take the hammer, and strike sharply 捏住钉子,拿起锤子,使劲敲 iron A3 (attack) 袭击 xíjī the generals will decide when the time is right to strike 将军们会决定何时可以发起进攻 (occur) 突然发生 tūrán fāshēng tragedy struck when her husband was killed in a car crash 悲剧发生了,她的丈夫在一次车祸中丧生 (take industrial action) 罢工 bàgōng to strike for a pay increase 罢工要求加薪 to strike over job losses 因失业问题进行罢工 (chime) 报时 bàoshí did you hear the clock strike? 你听到钟响了吗? six o'clock was striking as I left 我离开时,钟正敲6点 (ignite) «match» 被划燃 bèi huárán damp matches won't strike 湿火柴划不着 (proceed) 行进 xíngjìn to strike north 向北走 they struck across an open field 他们穿过了空旷的田野 Fishing (secure hook) «angler» 急拉钓线把鱼钩住 jí lā diàoxiàn bǎ yú gōuzhù ; (bite) «fish» 上钩 shànggōu C. noun (withdrawal of labour) 罢工 bàgōng a one-day/an official strike 为期一天/得到批准的罢工 to be (out) on strike 正在罢工 to come out or go on strike 举行罢工 to call/break a strike 号召举行罢工/破坏罢工 to take strike action 采取罢工行动 (attack) 袭击 xíjī the threat of nuclear strikes 核袭击的威胁 an air/pre-emptive strike 空袭/先发制人的打击 to launch a strike (against or on sth) (对某处)发动袭击 usually singular (hit) 击打 jīdǎ (kick) his spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2-0 他在下半场的一脚精彩射门把比分改写为2比0 (in baseball) 击球不中 jīqiú bù zhòng ‘strike three’ “三击不中” (in tenpin bowling) 全中 quán zhòng (discovery) 发现 fāxiàn an oil strike 石油的发现 to make a strike 有发现 a lucky strike (lucky chance) 好运 (lucky discovery) 幸运的发现 (mainly US) (bad thing or action) 不利因素 bùlì yīnsù the amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it 耗油量大是这辆车的一大缺点 three strikes, and you’re out 三振出局法 [指三次犯罪即判入狱的法律] (clock mechanism) 报时装置 bàoshí zhuāngzhì Fishing 急拉钓线 jí lā diàoxiàn PHRASAL VERBS strike at transitive verb [strike at sb/sth] (try to hit with hand, weapon, implement) 朝…打去 cháo… dǎqù he struck at me repeatedly with a stick 他拿着棍子连续朝我打过来 (make attack on) 袭击 xíjī to strike at the enemy's communications network 攻击敌人的通讯网络 (try to damage) 企图损害 qǐtú sǔnhài this strikes at the heart of the democratic system 这会损害民主体制的根本 to strike at the roots of a social malaise 根绝一种社会弊端 strike back intransitive verb (use force in return) 反击 fǎnjī to strike back at or against sb/sth; 对某人/某事物予以反击 (criticize in return) 反驳 fǎnbó to strike back at or against sb/sth; 对某人/某事物予以回击 Sport 反击 fǎnjī to strike back at or against sb/sth; 对某人/某队予以反击 they struck back with two goals in seven minutes 他们予以反击,7分钟之内进了两个球 strike down A. [strike sb down, strike down sb] transitive verb (kill) 使丧命 shǐ sàngmìng to be struck down by a bullet/by cancer 中弹身亡/死于癌症 (incapacitate) «disease» 使病倒 shǐ bìngdǎo he was struck down by a mystery virus 他感染了一种神秘的病毒,病倒了 (knock down) 击倒 jīdǎo B. [strike sth down, strike down sth] transitive verb US (abolish) 废除 fèichú law, regulationstrike off A. transitive verb [strike sb/sth off, to strike off sb/sth] (delete) 删去 shānqù to strike sb's name off (a list) 把某人的名字(从名单上)画掉 (remove as member) 把…除名 bǎ… chúmíng to be struck off 被取消资格 to be struck off the medical register 被取消医师资格 B. intransitive verb 行进 xíngjìn we left the road and struck off across the fields 我们下了公路,穿过田野 strike on transitive verb [strike on sb/sth] 突然发现 tūrán fāxiàn I suddenly struck on a good idea 我突然想到了一个好主意 we were lucky to strike on just the right person to do the job 我们运气好,碰巧找到了合适的人来做这份工作 strike out A. intransitive verb (start out on new course) 开始新的道路 kāishǐ xīn de dàolù ; (start out on independent course) 开始独立 kāishǐ dúlì to strike out in a new direction 闯出一条新路 to strike out on one's own (become independent) 开始独立谋生 (start own business) 开创自己的事业 he's struck out as a private eye 他开始当私家侦探 (aim blow) 猛击 měng jī he lost his temper and struck out wildly 他怒不可遏,大打出手 to strike out at sb/sth; 朝某人/某物猛击 (express criticism) 抨击 pēngjī to strike out at sb/sth; 抨击某人/某事物 she struck out at her critics, claiming their comments were biased 她驳斥那些批评她的人,声称他们的评论抱有偏见 (proceed) 行进 xíngjìn we struck out across the field 我们穿过了田野 he struck out strongly for the shore 他奋力向岸边游去 (mainly US) informal (fail) 失败 shībài the movie struck out and didn’t win a single Oscar 那部影片拍砸了,奥斯卡奖项一项都没拿到 B. transitive verb [strike sth out, strike out sth] (delete) 删去 shānqù ; (put line through) 在…上画线 zài… shang huàxiàn she struck out the whole paragraph (deleted) 她把一整段都删掉了 (put line through) 她把一整段都画掉了 strike through transitive verb [strike sth through, strike through sth] (delete) 删去 shānqù ; (put line through) 在…上画线 zài… shang huàxiàn strike up A. transitive verb [strike up sth, strike sth up] (start to play) 开始演奏 kāishǐ yǎnzòu ; (start to sing) 开始演唱 kāishǐ yǎnchàng (begin relationship, conversation) 开始 kāishǐ to strike up a friendship 建立友谊 to strike up a conversation with a stranger 和陌生人攀谈 B. intransitive verb (start to play) 开始演奏 kāishǐ yǎnzòu ; (start to sing) 开始演唱 kāishǐ yǎnchàng the band struck up with a waltz 乐队开始演奏一支华尔兹舞曲




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