

词汇 string together
string together transitive verb [string sth together, string together sth] (combine articulately) 将…联结成句 jiāng… liánjié chéngjù I can just manage to string a few words together in French 我的法语只能把几个单词拼凑成句 (add one after another) 把…连在一起 bǎ… lián zài yīqǐ they strung together seven or eight passes 他们一连传了七八次球 (form by combining articulately) 联成 liánchéng to string a sentence together 造句 (form by adding) 串联成 chuànlián chéng the band strung together a great set 乐队连续演奏了一组动听的乐曲




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