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词汇 stroke
stroke | BrE strəʊk, AmE stroʊk | A. noun (blow) 一击 yī jī he cut the rope with a stroke of his sword 他一剑劈断了绳子 he was given 20 strokes of the cane 他挨了20下笞杖 Sport (hit) 击球 jīqiú a forehand/backhand stroke 正手/反手击球 (scoring unit in golf) 杆数 gānshù to have a 3-stroke lead 领先3杆 to win by 2 strokes 以少于对手2杆的成绩获胜 (swimming movement) 划水动作 huáshuǐ dòngzuò ; (swimming style) 游泳姿势 yóuyǒng zīshì she took a few more strokes to reach the bank 她又划了几下,游到了岸边 (rowing movement) 划桨动作 huájiǎng dòngzuò a few more strokes and they would be across the finishing line 再划几桨,他们就可以越过终点线了 to put sb off their stroke (upset timing of) 打乱某人的节奏 British (disconcert) 使某人乱了方寸 shǐ mǒu rén luànle fāngcùn (rower) 尾桨手 wěijiǎngshǒu usually singular (mainly British) (caress) 抚摸 fǔmō to give sb/sth a stroke 抚摸一下某人/某物 (move, accomplishment) 举动 jǔdòng a bold stroke 大胆的举措 at one or a (single) stroke 一下子 they threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke 他们威胁要一举砍掉整个项目 she never does a stroke (of work) 她一向什么(活儿)都不干 (occurrence) 一次 yī cì a stroke of bad/good luck 背运/好运 by a stroke of fortune 幸运地 (idea) 主意 zhǔyi your idea was a stroke of genius 你的主意很高明 (mark, movement leaving mark) 一笔 yī bǐ the paint had been applied in careful strokes 油漆已经仔细地刷好了 he finished the portrait with no more than a few strokes 他寥寥几笔就画好了肖像 at the stroke of a pen 大笔一挥 British (slash) 斜线 xiéxiàn the reference number is five three seven stroke six 编号是537/6 his secretary stroke PA 他的秘书兼私人助理 (time signal) [报时的] 钟声 zhōngshēng on the stroke of five 在5点整 at the stroke of midnight 午夜的钟声敲响时 Medicine 中风 zhòngfēng to have or suffer a stroke 患中风 a stroke patient 中风病人 Technology (of engine, pump) 冲程 chōngchéng a 2-stroke engine 二冲程发动机 B. transitive verb (mainly British) (pet, caress) 抚摸 fǔmō he’s a beautiful dog; can I stroke him? 这条狗真漂亮,我可以摸一摸吗? he stroked his beard, wondering what to do next 他捋着胡须,想着接下来该做什么 (kick ball smoothly) ; (hit ball smoothly) (move gently) 轻拂 qīngfú she stroked away his tears 她轻轻拭去他的泪水 (mainly US) informal (flatter) 奉承 fèngcheng I knew how to stroke his ego 我知道该如何满足他的虚荣心




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