

词汇 struggle
struggle | BrE ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l, AmE ˈstrəɡəl | A. noun countable and uncountable (combat) 斗争 dòuzhēng a power struggle 权力斗争 a struggle against drug dealers/for independence 打击毒贩/争取独立的斗争 to give up or surrender without a struggle 不战而降 to be engaged in a bitter struggle with sb 同某人进行激烈斗争 countable (scuffle) 打斗 dǎdòu to be injured in or during a struggle 在扭打中受伤 there were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene 凶杀现场没有搏斗的痕迹 countable and uncountable (determined effort) 奋斗 fèndòu they won't succeed without a struggle 他们不努力就不会成功 countable (difficult task) 难事 nánshì it was a real struggle to be ready on time 要按时做好准备确非易事 I had a struggle to convince them 说服他们我费了很大力气 B. intransitive verb (try hard) 奋斗 fèndòu she struggled for breath 她费力地喘着气 a country struggling for independence 争取独立的国家 they struggled to make ends meet 他们努力维持生计 (compete for power or control) 争夺 zhēngduó to struggle for power 争夺权力 (try to overcome) 抗争 kàngzhēng he struggled against cancer for two years 他同癌症抗争了两年 she struggled with her conscience before talking to the police 她经过一番良心上的斗争,终于对警方说了 (engage in scuffle) 打斗 dǎdòu ; (try to get free) 挣扎 zhēngzhá to struggle with sb; 与某人搏斗 I struggled and screamed for help 我挣扎着,高声呼救 how did she manage to struggle free? 她是如何挣脱的? (move with difficulty) 艰难地行进 jiānnán de xíngjìn ; (do with difficulty) 艰难地做 jiānnán de zuò we struggled to the top of the hill 我们吃力地爬上山顶 we eventually managed to struggle back to the camp 我们终于挣扎着回到了营地 to struggle to one's feet 艰难地站起来 to struggle to keep one's temper 竭力克制不发脾气 (be in difficulty) 处于困境 chǔyú kùnjìng new authors are struggling in the present climate 新作家在当前的环境中处境艰难 PHRASAL VERBS struggle along intransitive verb (keep going) 勉力向前 miǎnlì xiàng qián (keep doing) 奋力坚持 fènlì jiānchí the family is struggling along on her pitiful salary 全家靠她那点可怜的薪水艰难度日 struggle on (keep going) 勉力向前 miǎnlì xiàng qián we're stopping here, but she's going to struggle on 我们打算在这里停下来,但她坚持要往前走 (keep doing) 奋力坚持 fènlì jiānchí despite the injury, he struggled on till half-time 尽管受了伤,他还是坚持到了中场休息 struggle through transitive verb [struggle through sth] (move through) 艰难地穿越 jiānnán de chuānyuè to struggle through the crowds 从人群中挤过去 (toil through) 艰难地完成 jiānnán de wánchéng (battle through) 挺过 tǐngguo Britain had to struggle through this recession 英国必须挺过这次经济衰退




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