词汇 | refer to |
释义 | refer to A. [refer to sb/sth] transitive verb ① (allude to, talk about) 提及 ▸ I wasn't referring to you 我指的不是你 ▸ we shall not refer to it again 我们不会再提它了 ▸ what can she have been referring to? 她指的会是什么? ▸ to refer to sb by name 提到某人的姓名 ▸ referring to your letter of 10 June formal 参阅您6月10日的来函 ② (call) 称呼 ▸ to refer to sb/sth as sb/sth; 称呼某人/某事物为某人/某事物 ▸ this is what I refer/what is referred to as ‘art’ 这就是我所说的/所谓的“艺术” ▸ he's always referred to as ‘the secretary’ 大家总是叫他“秘书” ▸ don't refer to him as an idiot 别叫他白痴 ③ (apply to) «remark, comment» 适用于 ④ (signify) «term, name, number, date» 指的是 ⑤ (consult) 参考 ‹notes, article›; 查阅 ‹dictionary, original›; 请教 ‹person›▸ ‘please refer to page 1’ “请参见第一页” ▸ she referred to the director 她请示了主管 ▸ ‘refer to drawer’ British “请与出票人接洽” [支票背面戳记] ⑥ ▸ (pass on) to refer sth to sb/sth; 将…提交某人/某处 ‹problem, enquiry›▸ to refer a dispute to arbitration 将纠纷提交仲裁 ▸ we referred the matter to the committee for a decision 我们将问题提交给委员会裁定 B. [refer sb to sth] transitive verb formal (direct attention of) 让…参考 ▸ the reader is referred to chapter four 读者请参阅第4章 ▸ may I refer you to my letter of 14 May? 请你看一下我5月14日的信好吗? C. [refer sb to sb/sth] transitive verb ① Administration 让…向…求助 ‹person, department›▸ she was referred to the enquiry office 有人指点她去问讯处询问 ② Medicine 让…转诊到…处 ‹specialist, psychiatrist, hospital›▸ she was referred to a clinical psychologist for counselling 她被转诊到临床心理学家处做心理咨询 |
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