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词汇 thump
thump | BrE θʌmp, AmE θəmp | A. noun (whack) 重击 zhòngjī to give sb a thump 给某人重重一击 (sound) 重击声 zhòngjī shēng (heartbeat) 怦怦的跳动 pēngpēng de tiàodòng B. transitive verb (whack) 重击 zhòngjī to thump sb in the jaw/stomach 重击某人的下巴/肚子 informal (defeat) «person, team» 重挫 zhòngcuò opponent, teamC. intransitive verb (pound) «rhythm, music» 砰砰作响 pēngpēng zuòxiǎng ; «heart» 怦怦跳 pēngpēng tiào ; «person» 砰砰敲击 pēngpēng qiāojī my head is thumping 我的头阵阵抽痛 to thump on 砰砰地敲 door, floor 猛力弹奏 měnglì tánzòu pianoher heart thumped with joy 她高兴得心怦怦直跳 (clump) 噔噔地走 dēngdēng de zǒu to thump upstairs/along the landing 噔噔地上楼/在楼梯平台上走 PHRASAL VERBS thump down A. transitive verb [thump sth down, thump down sth] 重重地放下 zhòngzhòng de fàngxia object, bookB. intransitive verb (sit) 重重地坐下 zhòngzhòng de zuòxia ; (fall down) 嘭的一声倒下 pēng de yī shēng dǎoxia thump out transitive verb [thump sth out, thump out sth] 猛力弹奏出 měnglì tánzòu chū tune, dance, rhythm




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