

词汇 content
content2 | BrE ˈkɒntɛnt, AmE ˈkɑntɛnt | A. noun uncountable (relative quantity) 含量 hánliàng the fat/vitamin content 脂肪/维生素含量 to have a low/high lead content 铅含量低/高 (meaning) 内容 nèiróng debates about form and content 有关形式与内容的争论 (subject matter) 主题 zhǔtí (of web site) 网站内容 wǎngzhàn nèiróng B. contents plural noun (of jar, bag) 容纳的东西 róngnà de dōngxi she sold the flat and its contents 她把公寓和里面的东西都卖了 (of book, magazine) (list or table of) contents 目录 mùlù (subject matter of book etc.) 内容 nèiróng




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