

词汇 task
task | BrE tɑːsk, AmE tæsk | A. noun 任务 rènwu to perform or carry out a task 执行任务 a thankless task 费力不讨好的差事 a Herculean task 艰苦卓绝的任务 to take or hold sb to task (about or for or over sth) (因某事)训斥某人 B. transitive verb (charge with) 给…分配任务 gěi… fēnpèi rènwu he had been tasked with drawing up a new timetable 给他安排的任务是制订新时刻表 (tax) 考验 kǎoyàn patience, imagination, abilitya problem that tasked his brain 让他大伤脑筋的问题




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