

词汇 second
second2 | BrE ˈsɛk(ə)nd, AmE ˈsɛkənd | noun (unit of time) miǎo one second past 4 o'clock 4点零1秒 informal (instant, moment) 片刻 piànkè in seconds 片刻之间 within seconds he was asleep 不一会儿他就睡着了 wait just a second 稍等片刻 in a second (immediately) 马上 (very quickly) 很快 we'll be taking off in a second 我们很快就要起飞了 this or it won't take a second 这马上就好 just a second! I was in the queue before you 等一下!我刚才排在你前面 within seconds he was asleep 他一下子就睡着了 (of angle, longitude, latitude) miǎo 20 degrees and 15 seconds west 向西20度15秒




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