

词汇 crisp
crisp | BrE krɪsp, AmE krɪsp | A. adjective (brittle) 松脆的 sōngcuì de biscuitcrisp snow 踩上去咯吱作响的雪 (crunchy) 鲜脆的 xiāncuì de apple, carrot (uncreased) 挺括的 tǐngguā de shirt, bank note (bracing) 清新的 qīngxīn de aira crisp morning/day 怡人的早上/一天 (concise) 简明扼要的 jiǎnmíng èyào de comment, presentation, letter (terse) 生硬的 shēngyìng de rebuke, refusalB. noun (also potato crisp) British 炸薯片 zhà shǔpiàn to burn sth to a crisp 把某物烧焦 bǎ mǒu wù shāojiāo C. transitive verb to crisp (up); 把…烤脆 bǎ… kǎocuì bread, pitta




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