

词汇 seed
seed | BrE siːd, AmE sid | A. noun uncountable and countable (fruit pip) ; (for sowing) 种子 zhǒngzi the pod bursts, and the seeds are scattered 豆荚爆裂,豆粒散落一地 grape/pomegranate seeds 葡萄籽/石榴籽 a packet of seed(s) 一包种子 to sow the seeds in a shallow trench 在浅沟里播种 to go or run to seed «plant» 花谢结籽 figurative «person» 衰败 shuāibài countable figurative (beginning) 萌芽 méngyá the seeds of doubt were already sown in her mind 她的头脑中已经埋下了怀疑的种子 countable Sport 种子选手 zhǒngzi xuǎnshǒu the top or first seed 头号种子选手 uncountable archaic (descendants) 后裔 hòuyì B. transitive verb (sow) 在…播种 zài… bōzhǒng bed, lawnto seed a field with rye 在地里播下黑麦种子 (remove seeds from) 去掉…的籽 qùdiào… de zǐ grape, raisin Meteorology 催…化雨 cuī… huà yǔ clouds Sport 确定…为种子选手 quèdìng… wéi zhǒngzi xuǎnshǒu playera seeded player 种子选手 zhǒngzi xuǎnshǒu C. intransitive verb (produce seeds) 结籽 jiē zǐ mulch encourages plants to seed freely 护根能促进植物顺利结实 (sow seeds) 播种 bōzhǒng I have seeded along the edge of the lawn 我沿着草坪的边缘撒了种子 D. to seed itself reflexive verb 靠自身种子繁殖 kào zìshēn zhǒngzi fánzhí




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