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词汇 sweep
sweep | BrE swiːp, AmE swip | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle swept (clean with broom) 清扫 qīngsǎo to sweep sth clean 把某物清扫干净 (clear away with broom, brush, hand) 扫去 sǎoqù to sweep sth into/on to sth; 将某物扫进某物/扫到某物上 to sweep the crumbs on to the floor/into the wastebasket/into a heap 把面包屑扫到地板上/扫进垃圾桶/扫成一堆 to sweep sth from or off sth; 将某物从某物上扫除 to sweep the snow from or off the path 扫除路上的积雪 (move or push with force) 推送 tuīsòng the current swept the logs down the river 激流把圆木冲向河的下游 to sweep sb/sth from or off/into/on to or over sth; 将某人/某物推离/推进/推上某处 he swept me into his arms 他一下把我揽入怀中 a huge wave swept us off our feet 一个巨浪将我们打翻 to sweep sb/sth downstream/out to sea 将某人/某物冲向下游/大海 (clear of obstacles) «ship» 清除 qīngchú area, channel, seato sweep sth clear or free (of sth) 清理干净某处(的某物) (put in particular state) 一举送入 yījǔ sòngrù to be swept to or into power/office 以压倒优势获得选举胜利上台掌权 to sweep sb off his/her feet 使某人对自己一见倾心 (in election) «party» 在…范围内大获全胜 zài… fànwéi nèi dà huò quánshèng country (move through) «hurricane, wave, fire» 横扫 héngsǎo area, coast, city; (spread through) «disease, crime, rumour» 席卷 xíjuǎn country, area, city; (be directed over) «gaze, searchlight, periscope» 扫过 sǎoguo sky, room, area (skim) «dress, coat» 掠过 lüèguo ground, floor (search) «troops, police, vessel» 搜索 sōusuǒ area, seato sweep sth for sb/sth; 在某处搜寻 escapee, mines, bugs (arrange hair) lüè to sweep the hair from one's eyes 把眼睛上的头发掠开 her hair was swept back from her face/into a chignon 她的头发是从前往后梳的/梳成了发髻 US Sport 获得…的全部胜利 huòdé… de quánbù shènglì contest, event; 完胜 wánshèng teamto sweep the series 囊括系列比赛的全部冠军 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle swept (clean with broom) 打扫 dǎsǎo (move through area) 横扫 héngsǎo ; (spread in area) 席卷 xíjuǎn to sweep across sth; «hurricane» 横扫 héngsǎo land, area «disease, rumour, news» 席卷 xíjuǎn area, city, countrythe wind swept in from the east 风从东边吹来 huge waves were sweeping over the deck 巨浪冲上了甲板 fire swept through the building 大火蔓延到整个大楼 (move quickly) 快速移动 kuàisù yídòng to sweep down; «plane» 俯冲下来 to sweep into sth; «enemy» 一举攻入 regionto sweep past sth; «vehicle, car» 在某物旁一掠而过 (move majestically) 堂皇地移动 tánghuáng de yídòng a mighty eagle swept across the sky 一只雄鹰在空中巍然掠过 she swept in dressed in a magnificent gown 她穿着华贵的礼服,仪态优雅地走了进来 to sweep down/into/out of sth; 庄严地走下/走进/走出某处 (enter particular state) 一举进入 yījǔ jìnrù to sweep to or into power/office 以压倒优势在选举中获胜/一举上台 to sweep into the lead 一举取得领先 to sweep to victory 一举获胜 (extend) «road, coast, mountains, plain» 延伸 yánshēn to sweep around/down sth; 绕着/沿着某物延伸 to sweep down/up to sth; 向下/向上延伸到某物 to sweep north or northwards/south or southwards 向北/向南延伸 C. noun countable (with broom) sǎo to give sth a sweep 扫一扫某物 this room needs a good sweep 这个房间需要好好打扫一下 countable (swing) 挥动 huīdòng the slow sweep of the pendulum 钟摆的缓慢摆动 with or in one sweep of his hand he knocked all the plates off the shelf 他手一挥,把盘子全部从架子上扫了下来 countable (movement in curve) lüè to make a sweep 掠过 lüèguo countable (curved stretch of road, river, country, etc.) 绵延弯曲的地带 miányán wānqū de dìdài the sweep of the cliffs/hills 蜿蜒的悬崖/山丘 uncountable (curved range) 范围 fànwéi outside the sweep of the guns/searchlights/telescope 在炮火的射程/探照灯的扫射范围/望远镜的视野之外 uncountable (scope of events) 广度 guǎngdù her book covers the long sweep of the country’s history 她这本书内容涵盖这个国家的漫长历史 countable (search on land, at sea, by air) 搜寻 sōuxún a sweep of or over or through sth; 对…的搜寻 area, room, land, seaa sweep for sb/sth; 对…的搜寻 criminals, mines, bugsa sweep with sth; 用…进行的搜索 periscope, telescope, radarto make a sweep 进行搜寻 countable (comprehensive survey) 扫荡 sǎodàng a sweep of or over or through; 对…的扫荡 area, land, seathe bombers made a series of sweeps over enemy territory 轰炸机在敌占区进行了一系列轰炸 countable (mainly British) = chimney sweep countable US (series of wins) 连胜 liánshèng ; (comprehensive win) 全胜 quánshèng a World Series sweep 在世界棒球联赛中的全胜 countable informal = sweepstakeD. sweeps plural noun US the sweeps 收视率调查 shōushìlǜ diàochá PHRASAL VERBS sweep along transitive verb [sweep sb/sth along] (force to move) «current, water, crowd» 迫使…前移 pòshǐ… qián yí to be swept along by the crowd/the strong current 被人群/激流裹挟着向前 (cause to become carried away with emotion) 使醉心 shǐ zuìxīn to be swept along by the force of one's emotions 受感情力量的驱使 sweep aside transitive verb [sweep sb/sth aside, sweep aside sb/sth] (move to one side) 把…推到一边 bǎ… tuīdào yībiān (ignore) 对…置之不理 duì… zhì zhī bù lǐ person, protest, offer, inhibitionsweep away A. [sweep sth away, sweep away sth] transitive verb (clear away with broom, brush, hand) 扫除 sǎochú dirt, snow, leaves(get rid of) 彻底消除 chèdǐ xiāochú restriction, obstacle, difficulty, doubtB. [sweep sb/sth away, sweep away sb/sth] transitive verb «flood, hurricane, storm» 卷走 juǎnzǒu object, bridge, persona big wave came in and swept him away 一个大浪涌来把他冲走了 C. [sweep sb away, sweep away sb] transitive verb «enthusiasm, passion, charm» 使醉心 shǐ zuìxīn to be swept away by sth; 对某事物着迷 sweep out transitive verb [sweep sth out, sweep out sth] 把…打扫干净 bǎ… dǎsǎo gānjìng roomsweep over transitive verb [sweep over sb/sth] (be directed over) «eyes, gaze» 扫视 sǎoshì person, room; «searchlight, periscope» 扫过 sǎoguo sky, area(come over) «panic, guilt, elation» 强烈影响 qiángliè yǐngxiǎng fear swept over him 恐惧感笼罩着他 the feeling swept over me that … 我猛然觉得… sweep up A. intransitive verb 打扫干净 dǎsǎo gānjìng after you've finished in the kitchen, please remember to sweep up 你在厨房里干完活后记得打扫干净 B. transitive verb [sweep sth up, sweep up sth] (clear away with broom, brush, hand) 打扫 dǎsǎo he swept the leaves up into a pile 他把落叶扫成了一堆 [sweep sb/sth up, sweep up sb/sth] (lift) 一把抱起 yī bǎ bào qǐ person; 一把拿起 yī bǎ náqǐ object[sweep sb up, sweep up sb] (cause to become carried away) «passion, pleasure, enthusiasm, optimism» 使忘乎所以 shǐ wàng hū suǒ yǐ to be swept up in; 沉醉于 revolution, wave of nationalism




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